sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

What do you need?

Hello friends. On this occasion I want to show a conversation that we made in class about what we need to buy when we organize a reunion

Reily's Birthday
Reily, Jeimy and I are in the kitchen talking about Reily's birthday party.

Jeimy: Liz, I'm making a shopping list for tomorrow's party. We have the cake. What else do we need?
Liz: Let's see... We need some snacks. Buy cheese, olives and cookies.
Jeimy: Okay.
Reily: We also need napkins and plastic cups.
Jeimy: And what about drinks? Do we need any?
Liz: No, we don't. We have soda and beer.
Jeimy: Okay. I'm going to the store. See you in a bit.

We talked about what we need to plan the Reily's birthday party. I hope they serve as a model when you need to talk to someone about it. Please leave a comment. Take care. Bye
Kisses and hugs
Liz Rad

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